Roshan Jha

Hi! I'm Roshan Jha,
A Full Stack Developer

My favorite tech includes Java(for DSA) and for Dev JavaScript (React.js,NEXT.JS or SvelteKit), TailwindCSS, Node.js + Express.js , PostgreSQL & MongoDB or Firebase/Firestore!

Zetane Engine
A few of my endeavors.

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Want to know more?

A bit about me.

I am . . .


Self-Taught Developer with a Foundation in Java

I embarked on my coding journey by delving into Java for data structures and algorithm problem-solving. As my passion for programming grew, I expanded my skill set to include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, gradually evolving into a well-rounded developer. I've continued to explore various technologies, from frontend frameworks to backend programming, design, and cloud services. My journey is a testament to my love for creativity and problem-solving in the realm of innovative online experiences.


Code Enthusiast on a Learning Journey

I am a full-stack developer passionate about coding and technology. While I may be relatively new to the industry, I am enthusiastic about tackling challenges and continuously expanding my skill set. My focus is on creating robust solutions and enhancing user experiences across the digital landscape. Eager to contribute, learn, and grow as a developer.


Effective Communicator and Collaborator

While I may lean towards introversion, my commitment to clear and constructive communication remains unwavering. I thrive in fostering transparent dialogues and building strong connections within a team. Despite my introverted nature, I become a people person in the context of work, allowing me to contribute effectively and enhance productivity in any collaborative environment.

The Complete Package
Candidate #1 Candidate #2 Candidate #3 Me
Critical Thought
Interpersonal Skills
Progamming Ability

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